I am an applied linguist specializing in second language (L2) learning. My research interests include speech fluency, L2 oral proficiency, L2 interaction, communication strategies, and multimodality.

I work as a researcher and lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Turku. Currently, I lead the project “L2 interactional fluency across contexts” as an Academy Research Fellow. The project is funded by the Research Council of Finland.
Previously, I have worked as a project researcher and postdoctoral researcher in two other externally funded fluency-themed projects. During spring 2023, I was a visiting researcher at Philipps-University Marburg.
I obtained my PhD degree in 2020 at the University of Turku (Department of English). In the article-based dissertation, I examined the interplay between L2 fluency and problem-solving mechanisms, such as communication strategies. The work was funded by the Utuling doctoral programme (2014–2017) and by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation (2019–2020).
In 2024, I joined Young Academy Finland as an invited member. I am also a member of the research group FlowLang and a member of the executive team for Leala, The Centre for Language Learning Research at the University of Turku. During 2017–2020, I was a member of the executive board for the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA; vice-chair during 2019–2020). Since 2014, I have been a member of the AFinLA research network Speech and Spoken Language Research.